Dos Teleteatros a Bissauflix no Teatro do Bairro
9 de Março de 2023
Des Télé-théâtres àBissauflix, au Théâtre du Bairro
According to Folha de Sala: "In 2006, "Barafunda" was released, the first Guinean tele-theater, which was a resounding success. Tele-theaters are filmed theatrical works, inspired by Hollywood, and are marketed informally. In the months that followed, the production of tele-theaters went viral, representing an opportunity for social criticism in the face of economic and political crisis. At that time, in Bissau, water supply was weekly, electricity was non-existent, and the price of rice was constantly rising, while the majority of the population had less and less money to buy it. The internal politics were already reminiscent of a Hollywood movie. Nino Vieira, the beliger who lost the Civil War in 1998, had won the last presidential elections, and personal acts of revenge dominated his term. While a new war was feared, video, as a means of recording and reproduction, increased the creation of new imaginaries. From video we moved to digital, and from informal commerce to sharing on the Internet. Currently, there are many series and sketches circulating in Guinea-Bissau and in the diaspora, which dramatize the ironies and paradoxes of the country's contemporary history. This is the subject of the conversation between director Axy Demba (one of the people in charge of the Bissauflix project), and researcher Catarina Laranjeiro, actor Atcho Xpres and musician, author and mechanic Umaro Sabali, which will take place on March 11 at 4 pm, at the Bairro Alto Theater." For more information, visit the website of the Bairro Alto Theater.
Des Télé-théâtres àBissauflix, au Théâtre du Bairro
D'après Folha de Sala : « en 2006 est sortie “Barafunda”, le premier télé-théâtre guinéen qui a connu un succès retentissant. Les télé-théâtres sont des œuvres de théâtre filmées, qui s’inspirent d’Hollywood et sont commercialisées de manière informelle. Dans les mois qui ont suivi, la production de télé-théâtres est devenue virale, représentant une possibilité de critique sociale face à la crise économique et politique. A l’époque, à Bissau, l’approvisionnement en eau était hebdomadaire, l’électricité inexistente, et le prix du riz ne cessait d’augmenter, alors que la majorité de la population avait de moins en moins d’argent pour en acheter. La politique interne faisait déjà penser à un film hollywoodien. Nino Vieira, béligérant ayant perdu la Guerre Civil de 1998, avait remporté les dernières élections présidentielles, et les actes personnels de vengeances dominaient son mandat. Alors que l’on craignait une nouvelle guerre, la vidéo, en tant que moyen d’enregistrement et de reproduction, accroissait la création de nouveaux imaginaires. De la vidéo nous sommes passés au numérique, et du commerce informel au partage sur Internet. Actuellement, il existe de nombreuses séries et sketches qui circulent en Guinée-Bissau et au sein de la diaspora, et mettent en scène les ironies et paradoxes de l’histoire contemporaine du pays. Voici le sujet de la conversation entre le réalisateur Axy Demba (un des responsables du projet Bissauflix), et la chercheuse Catarina Laranjeiro, l’acteur Atcho Xpres et le musicien, auteur et mécanicien Umaro Sabali, qui aura lieu le 11 mars à 16h, au Théâtre de Bairro Alto ». Pour plus d’information, consultez le site internet du Théâtre de Bairro Alto.
Conversa entre o realizador Axy Demba, a investigadora Catarina Laranjeiro, o actor Atcho Xpres e o músico, actor e mecânico Umaro Sabali, no dia 11 de Março, às 16h, no Teatro do Bairro Alto.
Da folha de sala:
“Em 2006, estreou Barafunda, o primeiro teleteatro guineense, com estrondoso sucesso. Teleteatros são obras de teatro filmadas, inspiradas em Nollywood, e comercializadas informalmente. Nos meses seguintes, a produção de teleteatros tornou-se viral. Eram a crítica social possível à crise económica e política.
À época, em Bissau, o abastecimento de água era semanal, a eletricidade inexistente e o preço do arroz subia constantemente, tendo a maioria da população cada vez menos dinheiro para o comprar. Já a política interna inspirava um filme de Hollywood. Nino Vieira, beligerante que havia perdido a Guerra Civil de 1998, havia ganho as últimas eleições presidenciais e atos pessoais de vingança dominavam o seu mandato. Quando se temia uma nova guerra, o vídeo, enquanto meio de gravação e reprodução, exponenciava a criação de novos imaginários. Do vídeo passou-se ao digital, e do comércio informal à partilha na Internet. Atualmente, são muitas as séries e os sketches que, circulando entre a Guiné-Bissau e a diáspora, ilustram as ironias e os paradoxos da história contemporânea da Guiné-Bissau.
Este é um assunto de conversa entre o realizador Axy Demba (um dos responsáveis pelo projeto Bissauflix), a investigadora Catarina Laranjeiro, o ator Atcho Xpres e o músico, ator e mecânico Umaro Sabali.”
Para mais informação, consulte o website do Teatro do Bairro Alto.